2010年4月25日 星期日



文章分享~just my thoughts ( by fuji team 林德銘 )
2008/07/02 20:22



無意中, 看到大會好幾張不同時間的集團照片, 我們的人都在前方. 蠻感動的. 騎車的人就知道. 要在集團前騎是要有一底子的人才能做到的.
There are countless pictures of the main pack taken at different periods of time during the race where you can find Fuji riders riding in the front. That is definitely a sign of success of our training. Any rider would know that to ride in the front is not easy. You really have to be strong and discipline to do so.

也許也是因為我麼去年的優越成績, 才激勵了別個隊伍對團隊的重視. 我想我們應該真的有貢獻於改變一些台灣騎車的文化吧!
Perhaps our dominating result last year indeed stimulated others to focus on teamwork. I think we have definitely influenced the riding culture in Taiwan!

做選手真的不容易. 尤其是從贏與不贏的角度來看. 每一場比賽都很多變數,而且都只能有一個冠軍. 從天氣,誰出場,甚至到政府是否有造新隧道,都會改變比賽的組合. 更何況如果你又是去年的冠軍,今年難免會有期待,造成你過度的緊張,或者歇斯底里的認為“第二就是輸”. 也許如果能以學習,得經驗,或者為了突破自己的角度來參賽的話,比賽時可以豁達冷靜些. 不需要的多慮就可拋開.
It is definitely not easy being a bike racer especially from the perspective of winning or losing. Every factor such as the weather, who showed up, to whether if the government has built a new tunnel that changed the route, scrambles the outcome. And if you were the winner last year, you may be extra nervous or even start thinking being 2nd is losing! Perhaps racing can become less emotionally charged if you can look at it as learning opportunities to better yourself.

單飛可能很可怕,但是沒飛過更可怕. 防守盯控也許很費體力,但幾次成功的防守後你就成了行家而且可大增信心. 攻擊出去形成領先集團可能會被追回來,但不攻擊永遠不知道結果. 機會是要創造的. 林德銘以前體能不好時, 常因失敗的攻擊, 透支體力, 是集團中最後一兩個進終點的. 甚至還在集團之後. 我有時候會抱怨覺得丟臉,說某某某都躲在集團還能前十五名. 每一次我這麼抱怨,他就說 “沒辦法,我一定要試試看”. 他越失敗越就練的更強,不給自己任何理由再失敗. 這一些累積的經驗及教訓, 總有一天會在天時地利人和的情況下會生效的. 你必相信. 不管以後還能不能參加更高等的比賽,今天你是否有成長?
Sure, soloing is scary, but it is even scarier for never having done so. Chasing down attacks may be taxing on the body, but you will quickly realize how proficient you are after a few successful attempts and start gaining confidence. Attacking can render devastating results, but you will never know the outcome without trying. Chances are created - not given. When Chris was less fit, due to failing attacks, he often finished at the back of the pack, or was even dropped. I sometimes complained how embarrassing it was to see some other riders finishing ahead of him. I questioned why didn’t he just hide and sprint at the end like the others. He just said “I would never know if I didn’t try” and then trained harder to give himself no more excuses to fail the next time. You must believe that one day, all of you’re accumulated experiences from your failing attempts will come in handy and help you win. No matter if you can race at a higher level in the future or not, you must ask yourself - have you bettered yourself today?

2010年4月21日 星期三



2010年4月2日 星期五

4/1 貓空*2 +平路繞圈

第四天沒碰車,外騎一下恢復路感,今天安排貓空明德宮*2 + 繞圈有氧 1小時,明德宮沒問題,功率跟時間一樣維持在13分出頭 260watt 左右,不知為啥,沒有想拼的感覺,就是順順的向上衝。

二趟 明德宮計時:
Lap 2
Duration: 13:02
Work: 205 kJ
TSS: 29 (intensity factor 1.155)
Norm Power: 266
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: 11.16%
Pa:HR: 8.5%
Distance: 3.385 km
Elevation Gain: 242 m
Elevation Loss: 0 m
Grade: 7.2 % (242 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 94 497 262 watts
Heart Rate: 140 185 177 bpm
Cadence: 58 136 73 rpm
Speed: 11.7 24.9 15.6 kph
Pace 2:25 5:08 3:51 min/km
Altitude: 36 278 157 m
Crank Torque: 10 75.3 34.6 N-m

Lap 4:
Duration: 13:17
Work: 178 kJ
TSS: 25.1 (intensity factor 1.132)
Norm Power: 260
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: 15.91%
Pa:HR: 13.94%
Distance: 3.363 km
Elevation Gain: 209 m
Elevation Loss: 0 m
Grade: 6.2 % (209 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 453 252 watts
Heart Rate: 134 182 173 bpm
Cadence: 33 144 74 rpm
Speed: 0 31.4 16.2 kph
Pace 1:55 0:00 3:42 min/km
Altitude: 37 246 142 m
Crank Torque: 0 66 33.2 N-m
